
Concept through Implementation Applying Contemporary Technologies

Mosaic identifies and develops novel flight operations and traffic management concepts by successfully advancing concepts from research and development to create systems that benefit day-to-day National Airspace System operations.

Whether improving the capacity, efficiency, safety, security, and sustainability of air transportation, assisting commercial organizations, or applying machine learning and artificial intelligence to supporting DOD missions, Mosaic is on task, everyday! We bring our corporate values to bear – scientific rigor, creativity, and collaboration – in solving the most complex problems, no matter the industry or customer. We are proud of our culture of innovation and continual improvement focused on meeting customer needs.

Our Toolkit

Everyone at Mosaic is constantly learning.  We apply our leading-edge skills to identify how advances in technologies and the external context create new opportunities, and meticulously execute the research and development to realize these solutions that improve air traffic management, foster new classes of aviation, enhance mission readiness, and explore our universe.

Motivation to make a difference for our customers, NAS stakeholders, and the community

Skills to deliver unbiased, engineering-based answers and proven, transformational systems

Creativity to develop operationally sound solutions to complex technical problems

Quality management is baked into every client solution we deliver, and you can rely on our technology to work in any environment.

Leadership Team

Chris Brinton | CEO | Founder
Steve Atkins | EVP | Founder
Brian Scott | CFO
Shawn Gorman | Chief Technology Officer
Fred Wieland | Chief Research Scientist
Juan Rebollo | Chief Data Scientist
Matt Brinton | Mosaic Software Business Unit Lead
Alicia Fernandes | Principal Analyst & Head of Research & Development
Jonathan Cunningham | Engineering Team Manager
Matt Kistler | Engineering Team Co-Manager
Brian Phipps | Software Team Manager

Download the one-pager highlighting our unique approach.

Mosaic’s Pillars of Success

Research & Development

  • Mosaic staff contribute daily to the safety, efficiency, and modernization of the National Airspace System.
  • Our services and products span exploratory proofs of concept to full-scale AI deployment.

Engineering Services

  • Experience in all phases of the research-to-sustainment spectrum.
  • Impartial system engineering and cost/benefit analysis support for the FAA’s Acquisition Management System.

Commercial Solutions

  • Apply innovative techniques to combine data in unique ways to help our customers improve the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of their operations.
  • Know the “nuts and bolts” of aviation data and how to turn that data into fused information to support aviation stakeholder’s decision-making process.
  • Provide situational awareness tools that help aviation stakeholders manage operations more efficiently on the ground and in the air

Mosaic’s History of Success


Mosaic ATM founded


Surface Management Support: FedEx and UPS


SDSS CDQM Field Demo


SE2020 R&MA Mission Analysis Support

PDRC (pre-cursor to ATD-2)


GPSM Field Demo


ATCA Varnell Award

Mini Global


Volpe CNS/ATMS IDIQ: 38 projects, 3 task orders


FAA SE2025 R&MA IDIQ: 9 task orders won to date


NASA ATD-2 Support


AIAA DATC Avionics Distinguished Institution Award

Airport Viewer Launched


Paired Approach Demo


UTM Evaluation

UAM Grand Challenge for NASA