UAS Integration
Mosaic’s research on Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) integration into the National Airspace System (NAS) has been at the leading edge since our founding in 2004. This work includes simulation studies, technology architecture trade studies, experimental UAS operations, program support in developing the FAA’s UAS Implementation Plan, and UAS demand forecasting. Mosaic is participating in NASA’s Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) National Campaign, upgrading its data collection and analysis system with a state-of-the-art Knowledge Graph system called “Aerograph.” Mosaic is working with RTCA to help define and validate requirements for remote UAS communication switchovers from one communication link to another. We are also working with NASA to develop a cloud-based system allowing UAS and other aircraft to access advanced flight management system capabilities. For NASA, Mosaic developed a cloud-based and crowd-sourced UAS forecast tool for both government and civil collection of all UAS operations known as UAS Demand Generator for Discrete Airspace Density (UAXPAN).
Mosaic’s interests span all aspects of UAS technology. Collaborating with both the William J. Hughes Technical Center in Atlantic City, NJ, and the Florida Test Bed, we analyzed the functional allocations and requirements of innovative prototype capabilities and technologies to support the integration of UAS operations into the National Airspace System while maintaining existing capacity, safety, and access. With the Air Force, Mosaic engineers have conducted a risk assessment and system certification for a Ground-Based Detect and Avoid capability, which uses the existing FAA STARS radar system to detect and display UAS to air traffic controllers. Under a NASA grant, Mosaic defined three different levels of operational concepts for increasing the levels of automation in UAS operations.
Mosaic has participated in UAS activities worldwide. For example, we have worked with the government of the Netherlands to help analyze and certify UAS aircraft used in their operations.

Mosaic’s UAS research interests include:

Integration of UAS tech into the National Airspace System
Mosaic maintains involvement in the UTM, UAM, and AAM concepts and technologies as they are defined, developed, and matured.

NASA’s AAM National Campaign
Mosaic maintains ongoing involvement in the advanced air mobility campaign and the FAA’s Low Altitude Air Navigation Capability.

Command and Control of UAS Systems
Mosaic has and will continue participation in future UAS studies assessing flight volume, terminal-area impact, and risk assessment.
See more of our UAS work here.
Mosaic helps all involved in the integration of UAS technologies into the National Airspace.