Mosaic is thrilled to announce the selection of a NASA SBIR Phase II research project. In Phase II, Mosaic will continue work to improve Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) and National Airspace System (NAS) safety.

Risks posed by sUAS to manned aircraft continue to increase as sUAS operations expand. To improve UAS-NAS aviation safety, Mosaic ATM proposes three UAS technology innovations: 

  1. An sUAS Collision Avoidance System (sUCAS)
  2. A prototype Remote ID beacon, and 
  3. A prototype Remote ID receiver

The first proposed innovation, the sUAS Collision Avoidance System (sUCAS), will be an enhancement to existing collision avoidance systems, specifically for mitigating collision risk with sUAS. sUCAS will take advantage of the position data broadcast by sUAS to present situational awareness and maneuver guidance to augment a pilot’s see-and-avoid capability. The ultimate vision for sUCAS is to exist as an application on a pilot’s electronic flight bag (EFB). 

The second proposed innovation, a Remote ID beacon, will be a small, low-mass, portable, long-range, self-powered module that can be mounted to an sUAS to broadcast Remote ID messages in accordance with the recently passed FAA Remote ID rule. An integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) chip will provide interpolated position information of the sUAS. 

The third proposed innovation, a Remote ID receiver, like the beacon, will be a small, low-mass, portable, self-powered module that can be mounted to the interior windshield of the manned aircraft cockpit. The purpose of the receiver is to extend the effective range of the Remote ID beacon and integrate with sUCAS in the GA cockpit.

Read more about the Phase II Selections here.