Mosaic ATM is proud to have been prominently featured in the FAA’s PMO Team Talk: All Looks Clear in the Cloud Webinar, held the week of November 8, 2024. During the event, the Mosaic FMDS program received enthusiastic recognition for its outstanding contributions to the Flow Management Data and Services (FMDS) program, particularly its work in advancing cloud-based modernization for FAA traffic flow management systems.
The webinar, hosted by the FAA’s Program Management Organization (PMO), focused on the Common Non-Target Baseline (CNTB)—a key initiative supporting the FAA’s Automation Evolution Strategy. CNTB is part of the FAA’s broader effort to modernize the National Airspace System (NAS) through cloud integration and service-based architecture, designed to improve efficiency, scalability, and safety in air traffic operations.
During the discussion, Mosaic ATM’s work on FMDS was highlighted as a leading example of FAA cloud transformation. Under this program, Mosaic ATM has been the first to move software development, security, and operations entirely to FAA’s cloud. Using tools provisioned by the FAA cloud team, Mosaic ATM has created a prototype service-based architecture within the FAA cloud to evaluate how it might replace the legacy architecture of the TFMS system. All agile task management, software development and testing, and continuous integration/continuous deployment being performed by Mosaic ATM and the FAA are conducted within the FAA cloud.
The FMDS prototype services run in the cloud behind a web-based user interface (UI) that is reachable from authorized FAA workstations. The FAA FMDS user team regularly evaluates the web-based UI, with human factors involved, to iterate on the web-based UI features. This represents an entirely new way of developing systems for the FAA that will speed up development, iteration, and deployment.
The FAA’s shift to cloud-based development represents a new era of faster, more iterative system modernization, and Mosaic ATM is proud to be at the forefront of this transformation. Kudos to the Mosaic FMDS program team for their leadership and innovation in shaping the future of FAA systems!
For more information on FAA seminars and webinars, visit the FAA’s official events page.