Reston, VA, June 1-3, 2022: This week, Mosaic ATM participated in the 2022 Connected Aviation Intelligence Summit, which brings together airlines, private jet operators, and connectivity service and solutions providers for networking opportunities, keynote presentations, and exhibits of the most innovative connected aircraft technologies in the world.

Cloud FMS logo

Todd Kilbourne, Senior Program Manager and Cloud FMS NASA SBIR Phase II Principal Investigator at Mosaic ATM, presented the Cloud FMS technology at the summit. Participants learned about Mosaic’s ongoing participation in the Cloud FMS project, a two-phased approach that first focused on feasibility followed by execution.

The project involves building a Cloud-Based Flight Management System (FMS), whereby safety-critical functions residing on the flight deck are separated from non-safety-critical functions that reside in a cloud-based environment on the ground. This bifurcation of an FMS will open new markets and address use cases such as Urban Air Mobility.

“We see Cloud FMS as an enabling technology architecture that will accelerate the progression of trajectory-based operations applications,” says Kilbourne. “This is a major step forward in the Connected Aircraft Concept.”

With Cloud FMS, airline operations centers have the potential to improve operating efficiency by incorporating real-time FMS data into their decision-making.  The implications for NAS operations, new entrants, safety, and capacity of a Cloud FMS are of interest to the NASA ATM-X program, the UTM program, the AAM program, “Upper-E” investigations, and planning around commercial space launches.

Categories: ConferenceNews